Phase de remise

Chronologie de l'atelier avec 5 phasesAller directement aux tâches actuelles
Phase de mise en place
Phase de remise
Phase actuelle
  • Info de tâche Les travaux remis en retard sont autorisés
Phase d'évaluation
Phase de notation des évaluations
Instructions pour la remise du travail

  1. Identify a locally designed and produced digital training resource, perhaps one procured from within your institution.
  2. Use the CC license generator to create an appropriate license plate for the resources and then embed it into the resource.
  3. At the end of the resource insert an additional page or slide and write a justification for your choice of CC license. Why did you choose that combination of CC rights?
  4. Peruse the marking rubric before you submit your assignment.
  5. Upload the assignment using the submission tool below. Note this is a peer assessment assignment - so you will be required to submit and assess three of your peer's submissions.
  6. Be ready to show case your resource, license and justification in the next online Zoom meeting.